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Home > Publication > Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory > Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.23 No.01 >On the Conjugate Relationships of the Amplitudes of SSC's and SI's Observed at Reykjavik and Showa

Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.23 No.01, p.7, March, 1989

On the Conjugate Relationships of the Amplitudes of SSC's and SI's Observed at Reykjavik and Showa

Tsunomura, S.


 Ampiltudes of storm sudden commencements (SSC's) and sudden impulses (SI's) are compared for a geomagnetically conjugate stations pair, Reykjavik in Iceland and 8yowa in the Antarctica. Local time dependences of the amplitudes of main impulses of SSC's and SI's normalized by equatorial values confirm that the difference in local times of both stations can be neglected in the correlation study of the amplitudes of SSC's and SI's. It is apparent that the amplitudes of H component are a little larger at Reykjavik than at Syowa while the relation is reversed for those of D component. The difference of induction effects of both stations may be attributed to this skew. Seasonal variations of the ratios of amp1itudes at both stations, with a slight maximum in summer and a minimum in winter, especially in D component, denote that the current sources responsible for SSC's and SI's observed on the ground vary their amplitudes following the seasonal variation of the ionospheric condition.

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