Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.01 No.01, p.58, March, 1938
Distribution of the Vertical Intensity of the Earth's Magnetism in Ibaragi-Prefecture and the Kakioka Basin
Yumura, T.
 From August to October, 1937, observations of the vertical intensity of the earth's magnetism were carried out by Ad.Schmidt's Feld-Wage at 146 stations in the north-eastern part of the Kwanto plane, including all over the Ibaragi and a part of Tiba, Totigi and Saitama prefectures. The extent of this part is about 7600 square kilometres. In addition to this survey, we observed the same component by the same instrument at 156 stations in the Kakioka basin, which extended to about 147 square kilometres. The latter observation was intended to investigate any relations between the distribution of the vertical intensity and geological structure of this district.