• Geomagnetic data
  • Geoelectric data
  • Atmospheric electric data
  • Observational investigation
  • Geomagnetic event catalogs
  • Annual means of geomagnetic data


    Digital Data

    Digital data are provided from geomagnetic observations, geoelectric observations and atmospheric electric field observations. Select a link in the side bar on the left.

    This service allows downloading of definitive geomagnetic data that have been corrected for baseline variations and had spikes removed/gaps filled where possible. Other definitive data have the same level of quality.

    The data are provided in IAGA2002 format. Metadata for the dataset are also available.

    Example usage
    To create sequential data records from Kakioka hourly data, UNIX commands can be used as shown below (all header records will be deleted).

    >unzip kak192401-201210dhor.hor.zip
    >cat kak*.hor | sed -e "/|/d" > kak1924to2012dhor.txt

    Conditions of use

    All data provided on this site may be freely used on condition of user compliance with the terms of the Legal Notice. It is required to cite the dataset with DOI in any report or publication in which the data acquired from this repository are used. See “Citation” in the Metadata page for each dataset.

    When requesting data, please provide an email address for JMA's records of data usage.

    By accessing these data, you signify your acceptance of these terms and conditions.