Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.11 No.02, p.5, 1964,Mar
Morphological Studies of Sudden Commencements of Magnetic Storms and Sudden Impulses ( III )
Sano, Y.
 In this paper, the local-time and latitudinal occurrence features of four classified types of H- and D-components for sudden commencements of magnetic storms, ssc, and sudden impulses, si, are investigated for 11 stations from high latitudes to the equatorial latitudes much more in details than in the previous paper.
Some several characteristics of magnitudes of ssc's, +si's and -si's at College are studied preliminarily.
The results in the previous paper are confirmed by the present results. It is emphasized that there are no essential differences of morphological features concerned here at all among ssc's, +si's and -si's.