Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.17 No.02, p.49, 1978,Mar
Effect of the Oceanic Dynamo on the Lunar Daily Geomagnetic Variation at Kakioka, Memambetsu and Kanoya, Japan, 1958-1973
Shiraki, M.
 The observed lunar daily geomagnetic variation at three Japanese observatories has been separated into parts of the ionospheric and oceanic dynamo origin, and it has become clear that the complicated features of the observed annual mean lunar daily variation at these observatories are due to oceanic dynamo effect. Moreover, it has been shown that the anomalous seasonal change of the observed lunar daily variation is somewhat revised by the removal of the oceanic dynamo effect, but its main cause cannot be attributed to oceanic dynamo effect. As to the sunspot cycle influence on the lunar daily variation, its result is much complicated even if the oceanic dynamo effect is excluded, and it is not yet evident whether the influence of sunspot activity on the lunar daily variation is similar or not to that on the solar daily variation.