

ホーム > 刊行物 > Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory > Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.18 No.01 >Comparative Study of Magnetic Pc-Type Pulsations between the Low-Latitudes and the High-Latitudes ( I ) -Statistical Features of PcI Pulsations-

Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.18 No.01, p.29, 1979,Mar

Comparative Study of Magnetic Pc-Type Pulsations between the Low-Latitudes and the High-Latitudes ( I ) -Statistical Features of PcI Pulsations-

Toya, T., Kuwashima, M., Kawamura, M., Fukunishi, H. & Ayukawa, M.


 Statistical features of Pc 1 pulsations were studied on the basis of data obtained at a low-latitude station, Memambetsu in Japan and at a high-latitude station, Syowa Station in Antarctica for the period of February, 1977 to January, 1978. The low-latitude Pc 1 shows marked differences from the high-latitude one in diurnal and seasonal variations of frequency of occurrence, mean and repeating periods, and dependencies on general geomagnetic activity (Dst and Kp). The source region associated with the low-latitude Pc 1 seems to be located more earthward in the magnetosphere than that associated with the high-latitude one.

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