Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.01 No.01, p.48, 1938,Mar
On the Space Charge in Atomospheric Electricity at the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory
Yokouti, Y.
 In this paper are reported the results of simultaneous observations of both space charge and potential gradient at Kakioka during about two years from Aug. 1935 to Oct. 1937. The space charge was recorded automatically by the Thomson's method, and the results show the following mean values; 0.049 e.s.u./m3 in year, 0.056 e.s.u./m3 in winter and 0.039e.s.u./m3 in summer. The relation between the space charge and the potential gradient at Kakioka, is generally complicated, but is of interest. In the diurnal variation of the potential gradient the following results were obtained that, the morning maximum may be not only affected by the pace charge but by any other important factors, while the evening maximum may be affected directly by the space charge near the ground.
The space charge are largely affected by wind velocity and the relation between these two factors was investigated, and moreover the relations between the space charge and the other meteorological factors were studied.