

ホーム > 刊行物 > Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory > Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.06 No.01 >Changes of Earth-Current Potentials at Kanoya and Activities of Volcano Sakurajima

Memoirs of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Vol.06 No.01, p.31, 1951,Apr

Changes of Earth-Current Potentials at Kanoya and Activities of Volcano Sakurajima

Yoshimatsu, T.


 During the period from June to September, 1950, minor activities of Volcano Sakurajima, one of the most active Volcano in the Kirishima volcanic train in the Kyushu Province, were reported by the Kagoshima Meteorological Observatory. (Fig.1). According
  to the report principal activities of the volcano were occurred in the following four periods; (i) from the end of June to early in July, (ii) some days before and after the 25th, July, (iii) early in August and (iv) from the end of August to early in September
  Corresponding to these periods of the volcanic activity, earth-potentials were changed markedly in both east and north components at Kanoya, which is situated at the distance about 27 km, south-east to the volcano. (Fig.2). In the figure daily mean values and their smoothed gradual changes were shown.
  In accordance with these facts, moreover, it is also interesting to note that volcanic microtremors occurred more frequently in the periods of larger values of earth-potentials than did in the periods of smaller values as far as the period from the end of January to the middle of June are concerned.

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