

ホーム > 刊行物 > 地磁気観測所要報 第24巻 第01号 > 地磁気観測所要報 第24巻 第01号 >Experiment of Observation for Declination and Inclination with a Fluxgate-magnetometer-mounted-Theodolite

地磁気観測所要報 第24巻 第01号, p.15, December, 1990

Experiment of Observation for Declination and Inclination with a Fluxgate-magnetometer-mounted-Theodolite

Uwai, T., Fukushima, H. & Hashimoto, M.


 A fluxgate-magnetometer-mounted-theodolite was experimented for observation of
  declination and inclination. By initial experience, a newly purchased sensor which is less influenced by the surrounding conductors was introduced. We repeated the measurement for five months with the instrument fixed on a pillar. As a result of comparison with the standard instrument of Kakioka observed on the same days, the difference between the two and the variation were small. Then, synchronous measurement with the two instruments on D- and I-reducible pillars showed good agreement. So, it is confirmed that this instrument has good performance equal to the standard instrument of Kakioka.

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