

ホーム > 刊行物 > 地磁気観測所要報 第26巻 第02号 > 地磁気観測所要報 第26巻 第02号 >Geomagnetic three components measurement with Overhauser magnetometer

地磁気観測所要報 第26巻 第02号, p.15, March, 1998

Geomagnetic three components measurement with Overhauser magnetometer

Yamazaki, A. & Tokumoto, T.


 In the replacement of KASMMER during the period 1989-1992,we developed a technical method to measure geomagnetic three components using Overhauser magnetometers. For applying the Overhauser magnetometers to the components measurement,a modification of the Overhauser magnetometer was necessary,and Fanselau-Braunbek coils were used as compensating coils. Furthermore,a newly designed method was adopted for the D component measurement. ln this report,w e describe the design of the measuring method in detail and discuss the error estimation and the stability of the base line values.

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